Sep 28, 2012

Recent thoughts about money, power and politics

Recent history has shown some pretty bad things happen to countries who have not obeyed the will of the economically fittest or most intimidating. We also know as a historical fact how power usually corrupts and blinds those who get their heads crowned - wrongfully or not. Niccoló Macchiavelli introduced to us in 1500s a new form of leadership in which "the ends justified the means"; rulers were to abandon moral integrity in order to gain success and stabilize power. This meant that there were no moral rules to value because morality was something to keep apart from politics. 500 years later Macchiavellian methods still exist despite our efforts to keep the game fair. It is pure vanity to think that modern politics is something to keep separate from drives of power, money and affluence. Politics are not merely means to promote the commonalty good but the good of some small elite.   

In 1900s Latin-America the people was fiercely plunged under a foreign control against their own free saying. This same happened in Indonesia and even in China, where people have not been granted full "western" human rights ever since. Indonesia should be a prosperous country with plenty of natural resources, but as we know private corporations have taken them all from the hands of the people. This happened fairly quickly when West-favored General Suharto took the lead and showed the country a new road to economic growth and welfare. Capitalism took over Indonesia. Today many enjoy the fruits brought up by the fat decades 1970-1990s, made possible by drastic "liberal" measures in economics. Unfortunately the wealth is everything but equally shared. I have visited Indonesia's poorer parts and the sight is usually devastating.    

The same sudden development  from sosialism to Free Markets took place in Argentina, Chile and Bolivia where some people were totally unaware what happened in their countries besides that many lost their jobs and became economically enslaved by foreign financial forces. Masses were shocked and paralyzed and after they had recovered their normal state it was too late to undo changes executed by those wanting to make profit and hail free markets as a way to altruistic prosperity. All this happened with a silent mandate from government(s) hoping to gain something out of the process. Capitalism has brought good, there is no doubt about that. The way it has been immorally implemented shows that the masses have had in the past little to say about their own national political affairs. And if they try to make a noise there are always ways to silence people´s voice by force or strategic maneuvers which will crush the opposition (usually these methods have been highly unethical and kept secrets). Luckily we have moved on since 1970s and produced new and more open ways to control these grievances, like the Internet (Wikileaks e.g). As we have also witnessed,  this kind of transparency is understandably opposed by those who not wish to be highlighted as "baddies".  

Now in many arabic countries newly formed governments have had challenging times in balancing new democracies. I bet that also in these scenarios economic issues play a big role whether peace, stability and mutual consensus between different groups of people is really reachable. I can totally understand why people resist Americans. USA is usually causing trouble and offering solutions at the same time. These new democracies will have to adapt and seriously consider what kind of freedom and democracy is worth all lost lives. Does freedom and democracy mean economic dependence and debt slavery or does it mean a society based on real communal values and shared responsibility?    

Change is to a high extent  much about courage and taking initiative. Change can also be seen as a selection of alternatives. Also in Finland many people don´t pay attention to what kind of mechanisms uphold their current lives. They are not interested in politics which makes democracy totally useless. And why should they be interested as Finnish politics seem to be a puppet show. Here politics appears to be a charade played by actors with  no improvising skills. We have a group of parties representing a silent consensus - and we lack the true opposition with alternatives. This is of course in some relation to a recent development where power and the nations right to self-determination has been given away to faceless institutions, such as banks and finance corporations.  

Freedom is very often nothing more than an illusion well maintained. Our lifeforms are something taken for granted. Many don´t know how the monetary system works and what kind of consequences it causes to us normal citizens, if the system  has flaws. This is a not only a sign of ignorance but also a sign of stupidity. How can we hold on to our rights, if we don´t ask questions and doubt answers given to us? At least we should be interested because time after our own will be affected by choices made now.    


Sep 25, 2012

Multinational Companies and the need of consumption pedagogies (Essay written in spring 2011)

Multinational Companies and the need of consumption pedagogies

Of the top one hundred economies in the world, fifty two are companies (Brubaker 2007, p. 27). This gives companies ever imagined power.

I have always been relatively conscious of the two faced nature of multinational companies. I am worried about the fairly recent development in where multinationals are becoming more and more influential. We as consumers should be aware of the consequences that our choices bound to cause. Still I am reluctant to believe that people really are willing to achieve full realization, and to think beyond their self-interest even if they would have a good will to do it. Naomi Klein (1999) talks of a phenomenon of obsessive branding where companies have started to create and sell images, lifestyles and attitudes instead of concrete products. Even children worship brands and use them as tools to build up and process their identities. Our life, and whole existence, is signified by brands and measured with indicators of material well-being. Life is nothing without the newest Apple device or Gucci handbag. The suck of materialism has gotten strong. As a teacher I think that one of my most important objectives is to make my students see that the reality conceals many inconvenient truths worth considering as consumers and moral agents. Today’s problems and moral negligence demands radical re-evaluation of values and methods to become more aware of global consumerism and the defects of multinational companies. In this essay I will exam multinational companies from a teacher’s perspective. Consumerism and global justice are themes that every educator should keep in mind when implementing teaching and giving examples of morally enduring choices to children. Hopefully in the future children as adults would have motivation to change the current course of ugly and repulsive consumerism into something more useful. In the end it is a matter of conscience.  

Multinational or Transnational Companies (MNCs or TNCs) such as McDonalds, Ford, Sony, H&M have substantial power over our lives. I will use the term “Multinational(s)” to cover the essays conceptual versatility. The Multinational is a company that controls operations or income-generating assets in more than one country. They are owned in their home economy and invest in foreign economies. From the nineteenth century onwards have business enterprises controlled the world’s economic order. Within the last hundred years their achievements have been remarkable. The Multinationals developed, manufactured and provided products and goods and put in place banking, trading, and informational infrastructure for the global community. Also transportation and communication network was established thanks to efforts and funding of invest-eager corporations. After the meltdown of the global economy and times of wars the Multinationals started to regain their positions and expand to new potential market areas. (Jones 2005, p. 5; 285; 287.) We cannot argue about the good contributions provided by the Multinationals but still we can raise some problematic features surrounding their rise and the growth of influence.  

Since their birth the Multinationals have had effects on both home and host economies. Countries have gained in income but also had losses because of transfers of resources from economy to another. Shifting production elsewhere has also reshaped domestic economy. Decisions made by the multinational companies have impacts on many levels. In host economies it has been witnessed that companies create employment but suppress the local productivity. Increase of imports has followed expand of exports. Many countries have also felt that importing foreign goods or exchange of commodities is only another form of cultural colonialism. In any case the impact on host economies depends on the features and nature of the receiving culture and the type of the investment. (Jones 2005, p. 294.) Generalizations about the consequences are difficult to generate. In any case the Multinationals have the power and ability to shape any country’s economic state for better or worse. They can be agents of development or catalysts of even more severe poverty and economical inequality. 

The Multinationals have also impacts on areas other than economy. Political and social landscape has also been bound to shape as a result of the emergence and expansion of the Multinationals. Their activities have both positive and negative effect on individuals and human rights. The concern for protecting human rights in poor countries is more than justified but so far the Multinationals have pretended to be handicapped and unable to face their glocally manifest social responsibilities. This urgency for responding global fears must also bring forth actions to create enforcing set of standards how to run up a company. Means of monitor and control are necessary to see justice happen. It is not so much of a question of what but how. Whether the answer lies in restructuring international organizations, linking their strengths, enhancing private actions and media exposure, or creating a single intermediary institution, or regional or global governance, it has to be found soon. The main problem is how the ethical code of conjuction should be made legally binding. Should there be a globally solid jurisdiction over companies and their behaviour? (Monshipouri, Welch & Kennedy 2003, p. 971; 987988.)

This problem may not seem relevant but actually it is one the most critical in the field of business ethics. Are multinationals really putting a real effort to improve the quality of working conditions, wages, labour rights and so forth. Actually it is relatively difficult to discern the real causes of flaws in global capitalism. But anyhow the Multinationals tend to sustain the present situation instead of changing it for the better. Of course they will react when forced to, but it seems that globally people miss to see the big picture. Multinationals would not change their practices if not forced to co-operate and correct the current state. Here even a one particular consumer can make a significant ethical statement and a choice. From the educational perspective we need to understand that the Multinationals cannot function properly without the consumers and their willingness to buy their products. That’s why we have to enlarge our understanding in these issues. I think the question brought up needs to be solved but it may require solutions beyond politics. Education is one of the means to build up and improve the awareness of people This way the Multinationals are also forced to take correcting measures albeit this might take ages to carry into effect.  

The dominance of the multinationals is deeply interwoven with the general progress of globalization which can be summarized as the global circulation of goods, services and capital but also of information, ideas and people (Brubaker 2007, p. 23). Globalization as a historical process has proven its worth but at the same time it has produced number of severe side-effects. Its transplanetary nature provides possibilities beyond imagination but we can also easily identify the problems it brings forth. The current model of globalization has reinforced geographically uneven patterns of development. The inequalities between poor and rich countries have widened even though standards of living have gotten higher in some regions (Perrons 2004, p. 319). Still despite the acknowledged facts it is very difficult to live morally in the global economy where all actions are interrelated. This makes it even harder to show to children how they should live and be responsible and critical consumers. 

What is happening in the world from global point of view then? The appétit of the Multinationals is insatiable and their competiveness fatal. There are several reasons driving multinationals to compete such as a more open approach to trade, globalization of consumer tastes, a willingness to accept product and ideas from other countries, access to information and large scale economic potential. The Multinationals are moving the globe into the direction of similarity and state of convergence. Demographics, trade and media all show us how the world is becoming one instead of many. (Ind 1997, p. 134; 137.) The segments of life are becoming similar everywhere: family types, jobs, sports, luxuries, necessities, communication etc. I cannot see how this could be a desirable course for the future. Even if companies adapt and apply strategies which honor cultural distinctions, risk of permanent losses of traditional values is apparent. Global corporate culture has already put national heritage out of fashion. I already have personally seen how the world is evolving into one homogeneous mass where cultural distinctions are merely decorations. Luckily there are still those who believe the opposite, and I am also destined to be optimistic.

There are many possibilities to challenge the oppressive realities behind the food we eat, clothes we wear or devices we use (Brubaker 2007, p. 111). Through responsible and cognizant choosing we can really choose otherwise. This is a message that should be shared to young people also. On the other hand I should accept the idea of certain kind of cosmopolitanism but again at the same time praise the locality. The global citizenship is a primary goal for education without any doubts. To my knowledge also understanding the principles of global business and consumerism promote children to shape both their moral consciousness and moral personality. This means that children cannot only clarify their own judgments but to become more aware of the rights and needs of others.

I think many of us normal citizens and consumers do lament and feel bad about the situation, but they lack the true insight and will to oppose the domination of the Multinationals when necessary. Luckily we have witnessed how people are ready to march for their cause, but this doesn’t seem to be effective enough.  The people need to empower themselves and gain intellectual resources to form a solid opposition. According to Klein (1999) people should govern themselves. For example workers have the potential to make a change and demand acts of respect for their rights. It is not enough to let others try to make the necessary effort. Problems should be encountered with means of increased self-determination. The world has after mid-nineties witnessed many forms of resistance with varied agendas. Everyone shares the same goal to get justice and oppose the dominant rule of capital giants. (Klein 1999, p. 441; 445.) It gives also to us educators a meaningful signal. We need to see education as a powerful emancipating force. Teachers are the vital source for children to learn how future can be turned for the better.

Education needs to address the challenges children face in the more and more globalized world. Curren (2010) thinks that it is necessary to discuss the ways our actions impair each other’s interests, and how to avoid harming interests of others. Sooner or later there will be necessary adjustments in the ways we live. It is inevitable to take educational steps towards a world of global caring and justice. Children need to hear and learn about things surrounding them, and grow into shared consciousness. Everyone is entitled to a protected and stabile well-being where basic needs are satisfied. So individuals should know how to value co-operation and take responsibility for universally stressed moral obligations. Education calls for criticism and well-informed critical capacity to guard against the strategies used by corporate front groups and others to misinform, discourage, and subvert cooperation. (Curren 2010, p. 7173.) In other words it is important to teach children to think for themselves - critically and in a cosmopolitan manner. 

In a teaching context it is a tricky subject to make the right statement whether to choose this and leave that one on the shelf. It doesn’t happen with a snap of fingers that people would just learn how to address global problems and response in an all-beneficial way. Especially children are hard to turn around after they have tasted the deliciousness of consuming. Consumerism is a monster fed by multinationals. Without manipulation, fulfillment of social and personal needs, and habituation it would not exist at all. Consumerism is promoted by clever people with the obvious assistance of the mass consumers. It gives a sense of belonging and authenticity, boosts freedom and individual expression and helps people to deal with confusions about social identity and life-expectations (Paterson, 2006, 5053). Consumption defines us as human beings: you are what you buy. The main criticism against consumerism is not that it would be bad per se but the side-effects it causes. We cannot erase the fact that the spread of consumerism to some extent accelerates poverty and economic unbalance. Many aspects of consumerism are inextricably linked to the learning and enacting of oppression, and to ecological, environmental, natural resource, and cultural destruction across the planet (Koh, 2011). This should encourage us to question the living habits we share. Critical consumption pedagogies are required so that we could “talk back” to the all pervasive ideology of consumerism that tells us that consumption will make us complete or happy.  

   The Multinationals are in my opinion manifestations of global malevolence. They affect directly or indirectly in lives of millions. They are accused of exploiting underdeveloped countries and ignoring the problems this approach will produce. There is an ongoing debate whether the rich countries should accept the costs of welfare upkeeping or whether it should try to build economic growth on more ethically enduring foundations (Monshipouri et al. 2003., p. 967). Many recognize that multinationals are not only protecting their interests but also giving contributions to those countries in which they operate. Jobs are created and improvements introduced in forms of technology and new innovations. Still companies cannot hide their obligation to carry their part of social responsibility. Individualization, liberalization and free trade are bound to have fatal consequences if people don’t realize that the Multinationals and the mechanisms of consuming need to be changed. As educators we are responsible for the raising of new generation conscious consumers. In essence education holds many answers. My part is to stay focused and send this vital message forward.   

Brubaker, P. (2007). Globalization at What Price? Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press. 

Carron, R. (2010) Education For Global Citizenship and Survival. In Y. Raley & G. Preyer   Philosophy of Education in the Era of Globalization (pp.67-90). London: Routledge.

Ind, N. (1997). The Corporate Brand. New York: University Press.

Jones, G. (2005) Multinationals and global capitalism: from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Oxford: University Press.   

Klein, N. (1999). No Logo. New York: Picador.

Koh, A. (2011, February). Consumer Pedagogies. Paper presented during the course Introduction to Film Studies, HKIEd, Hong Kong.

Monshipouri, M., Welch, C. & Kennedy, E. (2003, 25.4). Multinational Corporations and the Ethics of Global Responsibility: Problems and Possibilities. Human Rights Quarterly. (pp. 965989).

Paterson, M. (2006). Consumption and Everyday Life. London: Routledge.

Perrons, D. (2004). Globalization and Social Change. London: Routledge.

One-Dimensional Man

Blog’s name ”One-Dimensional Man” comes from Herbert Marcuse`s controversial book which I haven’t actually read yet. Marcuse attacks against both capitalism and orthodox Marxist wing, which has given only a little role for subjective and self-governing individual. Capitalism was in Marcuse`s opinion an exploiting economic structure which dehumanized man and turned people into objects (Marxian use of words). Eventually capitalism needs to be replaced due to its inner crisis and inability to control people forever with false ideological hopes. Consumerism is a form of slavery and social repression. Happiness has become something individuals can buy. This creates demands for people to work harder and sacrifice their life so that they can afford to buy new things. Human life turns into mechanistic performing without any real value.

What I think Marcuse was saying is that we all should change our thinking radically and become more aware how things stand in our world. Recently I have been reading a lot about global democracy written by Naomi Klein and many Finnish academics. I have also tried to find out some information about people who think alike with me. There is something fundamentally wrong in our western societies. It is nice to see that many people around the world feel that we should do something. Usually everything comes down to economy – and money. And these things feel too self-evident for us to believe that some kind of changes would be possible or even necessary to do. I believe that something can be done. But this requires a change in our thinking. Every day we can read news and scientific data how people are feeling themselves more disorientated, uncertain or sick. Happiness has become an absurd and utopist dream for those who are lacking money, societal status or right kind of human qualities. Still people tend to accept apathy and their abasement without questioning what the real reasons behind recurring human tragedies are. We should understand that our problems are not always self-caused but implications of problems in structural, systematic level. The more I read the more certain I become that money and wrong choices in global economics have caused these problems that we suffer from - together with greed and false ideas of what life is really about. 

I feel pessimistic and hopeful at the same time. Although the world is facing poor future horizons, we still have people who are not willing to accept this faith and are forming and introducing all kinds of resistance. And there are also options of how to a make more equal and just world without losing our self and everything we have already achieved. It needs repairing and re-assessment of our values, attitudes and knowledge (both practical and theoretical). Resources and knowledge we have, but we lack the will to do things.   

I teach in high school and sometimes feel frustrated how little youngsters really know about the mechanisms that move the world. Unfortunately the lack of critical thinking is not only a problem of the young. Compared to some grown ups many of my students are at least still eager to learn more and ready to widen their perspectives about life. Still, even in schools our hands are chained and we teachers cannot go to extremes while trying to expose what really is happening. We have to move forward with small steps. It’s not about the world being totally bad place; it is just that it could be so much better, if we all would do what is expected of us as individuals with enormous thinking capabilities. 

In my blog I try to gather, process and spread information.  Hopefully you will also get something enlightening from here and feel after a while that you are obliged to change for you and for all the others who inhabit this lovely planet.